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Membership Categories

Membership of the Society is open to those who have educational, research, or practical experience or are pursuing a course of study at the interface between the mathematical and biological sciences.

The Society for Mathematical Biology offers two membership categories: Regular and Student Memberships. Below are descriptions and corresponding rates for each (effective January 2018).

Regular Memberships

These memberships are available to those who hold a professional degree and are active in their respective fields.

Regular members:

  • May receive discounted registration fee for the Annual Meeting.
  • May hold elective office.
  • May vote in Society elections.
  • May vote at Annual General Assembly.
  • May serve on committees.
  • May sponsor a free student membership.
  • May sponsor student for travel award.

To be eligible for the above benefits, regular members must be in good standing (current with paid membership dues).

Regular Membership Sub-categories (fees vary):

  • Regular Standard Membership – $150
  • Early Career Researcher Membership (within 5 years of receiving their Phd or equivalent terminal degree) – $85
  • Regular Reciprocal Membership for current members of ESMTB or JSMB – $140
  • Regular Eastern European and Developing Country Membership – $50
  • Lifetime Membership – Are you interested in becoming a Lifetime Member of the SMB and forever eliminating the need to renew your membership? Fee calculation is based on current age and current full time membership fee: (65-current age)*($150) or a minimum of $750.

If you are interested in joining, visit our membership application page.

Student Members

Student memberships are available to students who are pursuing a degree of study in mathematics, biology, or in an allied scientific field. Undergraduate students can pay the student membership for up to four years. Graduate student can pay the student membership for up to five years. Student members:

• May receive discounted registration fee for the Annual Meeting.
• May apply student for travel award
• Are eligible for Society Awards
• Are eligible for an online electronic subscription of the Bulletin of Mathematical Biology.

To be eligible for the above benefits, student members must be in good standing (current with paid membership dues).

Student Membership Sub-categories (Fees vary):

**Anyone applying for a student membership is required to send documentation of current student status and an estimated date of completion of educational program (signed by a supervisor or university official) by e-mail to before membership can be activated.**

  • Student Standard Membership – $35
  • Student Reciprocal Membership for currents members of ESMTB or JSMB - $25
  • Student Introductory Membership (1-year) – $0 **Approval of an introductory student membership also requires an endorsement letter from a current SMB member in good membership standing.**
  • Student Eastern European and Developing Country Membership – $0

If you are interested in joining, visit our Membership Application page.

Bulletin for Mathematical Biology

BMB Paper copy subscriptions: $100/ year

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